I just wanted to start by thanking you all for your support in getting my little studio up and running in Dundee, and your continued support through this crisis that we find ourselves in the middle of. Normally this time of year, Pilates studios and gyms would be bombarding you with images of six pac abs and inviting you to smash your fitness goals and transform your body. However, if you know me, you know that is not my style. Instead I wish you all the ability to relish in the little happinesses you may find in the everyday and the optimism and strength to bravely keep putting one foot in front the other with each day that comes.
The studio is now closed until further notice
I’m sure this comes as no surprise. I’ll be in touch as soon as I get the green light from the government that it is safe to reopen. In the meantime
Zoom classes are still running
I’m always here to chat about anything and everything
Take care and stay safe everyone and hopefully see you soon.
Best wishes from your friendly neighborhood Spider-Man( Pilates/gyro teacher),